VIP Terms & Conditions

Purchases made on a third-party site are subject to their purchase policy.  

All sales are final, non-refundable. 

Packages cannot be resold. 

The resale of VIP packages is subject to local and state regulations. We assume no liability arising from your resale or attempted resale of these packages. 

The resale of VIP packages subjects you to the cancellation of your order and any pending orders and the additional review of any future purchases. These cancellations do not subject you to a refund.  

Certain packages are eligible for a name change. Name changes must be made in writing prior to the event. Please contact customer service to request a name change or alternate pick up. 

We reserve the right to, without refund of any portion of the package purchased, to refuse admission or eject any person from an event if they do not comply with policies put in place by the event, state, or local agencies, or for conduct unbecoming, illegal, vulgar, abusive, threatening, uncomfortable, aggressive and have the right to remove your ability to make purchases in the future. 

You may be relocated to a different seating location at the sole discretion of the venue and does not entitle you to a refund or other remedy if it is a comparable seating location. 

You may not use your package for any marketing or other commercial purchases such as contests, auctions, or giveaways. 

VIP packages are subject to altered or varied deliverables without obligation to make a refund. 

It is your responsibility to check in at the designated time and location as outlined in your VIP information email sent to you before the show. If you are late we cannot guarantee you will be able to participate in any of the deliverables or receive any physical goods as outlined in your package.  

It is your responsibility to provide the correct email address when purchasing to receive these information emails. Please also check your spam folder for these. We are not responsible for any email not received based on incorrect information or you not checking your spam folder. 

Photos taken during the VIP experience, including Meet & Greet photos, may be used for marketing and promotional use at our sole discretion.  

We reserve the right to change product delivery methods without notice. 

If you need special accommodations, you agree to contact us in writing at least 2 weeks prior to the show you are attending. We do not own or control the venues where the VIP packages are being executed but we will make the effort to accommodate requests.  

The venue and/or event’s promoter determines the policies surrounding an event postponement or cancellation. These policies vary and we will comply with these as set forth by the venue and/or event promoter. 

Service and/or ticketing fees may be added to your VIP package price that was originally displayed. These fees vary per venue.  

We are not responsible for any mechanical, technical, or human error during the purchase process. 

VIP package availability is subject to change and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.  

All advertised on-sale dates and times are subject to change. 

Often, venues and event promoters will set a ticket limit for fans, this applies to VIP packages as well. Any applicable VIP package purchase limits will be advertised on the ticketing site.